RTN (Reversing Technology Network) is a non-commercial community dedicated to creating useful, and powerful tools, and sharing knowledge about reverse engineering, and coding. Visitors are invited to join our Discord server and ask about every aspect of reverse engineering and coding.
MaxXor started programming addons for World of Warcraft at a young age. A short time later, he began to look behind the scenes of other programs in which his passion for IT security and in particular reverse engineering began. In his free time, he supports various open source projects. He graduated from university with a master's degree and works in the field of IT security. His other hobbies include reading, computer & board games and traveling.
766F6964 began coding in 2009 and got into reverse engineering in 2013. Currently he is studying computer science in Germany and his main interest is focused around the IT-Security scene, especially around (de)obfuscation, cryptography and system penetration tests. Other hobbies include gaming, reading, listening to (heavy!) music, and sports.
Programming is his passion, which he found after creating his first program at 11 years old. Only a few years later, he discovered the world of reverse engineering. This experience has led him into various computer security-related rabbit holes, and eventually got him a master's degree in Cyber Security. Today, he often tinkers with disassemblers, decompilers, and debuggers, and likes to participate in CTF. Many of his projects are open source and can be found on his GitHub and blog.
CodeBlue was surrounded by computers for as long as he can remember. His fascination with them grew because of gaming, game hacking, and reverse engineering. He is naturally curious and loves to solve any kind of challenge. He started delving into web security before transitioning into application security. He then attended university and obtained a bachelor's degree in Computer Science and a minor in Mathematics. He works as a Software Engineer by day using C, C++, C#, Java, Python, PowerShell, and more. By night, he satisfies his curiosity for finding out how things work and tinkering with them by reverse engineering them.